Exchange Rates

Historical & Real-time
Exchange Rates & Currency
Conversion for your Business

Free, easy-to-use REST API interface delivering
currency exchange rate data

250 Monthly Requests

Free forex data for hundreds of currencies around the world.

  • Trusted by 100,000+
    Developers Worldwide:
Updated Every Minute

Obtain real-time, accurate and reliable currency exchange rate data for hundreds of worldwide currencies, updated as often as every 60 seconds.

200+ Currencies

Our API is integrated with a number of highly reputable foreign exchange rate sources, offering the most recent and accurate rates for 200+ pairs.

Simple, Quick & Reliable

Make use of a scalable infrastructure that can handle anything from a few requests a day up to thousands of API requests per second.

The most complete and straightforward JSON API for your exchange rate data needs

Our foreign exchange rate data API will give you instant access to a host of valuable currency pairs right from the start.
    "success": true,
    "timestamp": 1620386223,
    "source": "GBP",
    "quotes": {
        "GBPAED": 5.109727,
        "GBPAFN": 107.750768,
        "GBPALL": 141.659078,
        "GBPAMD": 725.255305,
        "GBPANG": 2.496633,
        "GBPAOA": 909.923974,
        "GBPARS": 130.481869,
        "GBPAUD": 1.789173,
        "GBPAWG": 2.503947,
        "GBPAZN": 2.357994,
        "GBPBAM": 2.253445,
        "GBPBBD": 2.808295,
        "GBPBDT": 117.867727,
        "GBPBGN": 2.253678,
        "GBPBHD": 0.524384,
        "GBPBIF": 2747.310462,
        "GBPBMD": 1.391082,
        "GBPBND": 1.851765,
        "GBPBOB": 9.589957,
        "GBPBRL": 7.344636,
        [supporting 200+ currencies ...]

Exchangerate Pricing Plans

Choose annual billing and save up to 15%.

  • Free
    $0 No hidden fees Monthly        
    No hidden fees
    • 250 API Calls
    • Hourly Updates
    • No Support
    • Historical Data
  • Basic
    $13.99.00/mo or pay $161.99 / year save 10% /
    no hidden fees
      Basic — includes commercial
    use with up to 10,000
    no hidden fees
    Basic — includes commercial
    use with up to 10,000
    Platinum Support
    Click for more information
    $479.88/year billed annualy
    • 10,000 API Calls
    • + 0.0022485 each
    • Hourly Updates
    • Standard Support
    • Historical Data
    • SSL Encryption
    • All Base Currencies
    • Conversion Endpoint
  • Pro Plan
    $52.99/mo or pay $629.99 / year save 12.5% /
    no hidden fees
      Professional level — premium features with up to 100,000
    monthly requests.
    no hidden fees
    Professional level — premium features with up to 100,000
    monthly requests.
    Platinum Support
    Click for more information
    $599.88/year billed annualy
    • 100,000 API Calls
    • + 0.00089985 each
    • 10-minute Updates
    • Standard Support
    • Historical Data
    • SSL Encryption
    • All Base Currencies
    • Conversion Endpoint
    • Time-Series Endpoint
  • Business Plan
    $84.99/mo or pay $1,019.99 / year save 15% /
    no hidden fees
      Business Plus level — every
    feature we have and up to
    500,000 monthly requests.
    no hidden fees
    Business Plus level — every
    feature we have and up to
    500,000 monthly requests.

    Platinum Support
    Click for more information
    $719.88/year billed annualy
    • 500,000 API Calls
    • + 0.00029997 each
    • 60-second Updates
    • Standard Support
    • Historical Data
    • SSL Encryption
    • All Base Currencies
    • Conversion Endpoint
    • Time-Series Endpoint
    • Fluctuation Endpoint
  • Volume
            Looking for more?
    Contact us for a quote.

    Looking for more?
    Contact us for a quote.

    Platinum Support
    Click for more information
    Custom pricing billed annualy

      Any requests volume you need


Our Exchangerates API is free for up to 250 monthly requests. Get your API key today Get Free API Key